Computers have taken over a major part of human activities and enabled people to have more leisure by reducing his work-load. Computer Education is started from the primary classes. The school has a well equipped computer lab and trained teachers to impart computer education at different levels.

Physical Education: The school authorities understand that sports and games are necessary for physical and mental growth and development of each child. So optimum environment is provided for productive and comprehensive physical education program to make the entire education a joyous process and also to participate in District, regional and national level competitions.

Music & Dance: Training of Vocal as well as instrumental music is provided according to the taste and interest of the students. ‘Indian Classical’ and ‘Western Dance’ are taught in the school by experts to train, guide and help those students interested in this form of art.

Science Education: The school has a well equipped laboratory of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics and Social Studies for the students to experiment and learn because learning by doing makes concrete concept formation.

Chemistry laboratory is a place where students either are extremely playful or very scared of using chemicals. Prakash School has state-of-the-art Chemistry lab that lets you sat it your curiosity by moving the students in the correct direction.

The Engineering Physics Laboratory is one of the major laboratories of the department. It enables the budding engineers to practically understand the fundamentals of the theory through a vast range of experiments. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory.

We have a fleet of eight well maintained buses to ferry students from nearly villages. We put in great effort to make the bus journey safe and comfortable despite poor conditions of roads. We also have transport facility especially for our teaching STAFF.

Our library is the central hub of the university, well-equipped to support and facilitate teaching, learning and research programmes of the Institute. Well stocked with the latest STAFFs, CD/DVDs and research publications, the library at Glocal is open to all students, faculty members and employees.

Class rooms are well furnished and ventilated. Audio visual Room is provided with all teaching aids, OHP, Slide Projector, Television, Video Player, LCD Projector, Video Camera, Still Camera, DVD, Multimedia Computer, Audio Systems, Microscopic Projector, etc., in order to ensure overall development of students.